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2.6 million YBP

First wave of early hominid, non-human animal, and incidental plant migration across Eurasia and onto the Japanese archipelago

12,700 YBP

Japan becomes an archipelago as the continent loses the crescent

12,000 YBP

The discovery of pottery and the beginning of the Jômon people

The beginning of the Yayoi phase with the rise of agriculture

250 CE

The beginning of the Yamato confederacy with the advent of the Tomb phase

669 CE

The Wa Kingdom became known as 'Nihon'

Death of Queen Himiko

248 CE

592 CE

Princess Suiko and Prince Shōoku comes into power

300 BCE

4500 YBP

11,700 YBP

57 CE

107 CE

238 CE

First Han dynasty voyagers visits the Wa kingdom

Second Han dynasty voyagers visits the Wa kingdom

Wa kingdom visits the Wei kingdom and receives a gold seal indicating their friendship

Significant envrionemental changes leaves Jomon people vulnerable to food shortages and famine.

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